Call for participants: Samaritans online chat service

You can call Samaritans any time on 116 123 but sometimes typing can be easier than talking. Sometimes talking on the phone just isn’t an option. Samaritans have developed an online chat service where you can speak with a volunteer virtually. Samaritans’ volunteers receive Armed Forces awareness training and are familiar with military life. Their trained volunteers will read your messages and respond in real time, helping you work through what’s on your mind. A link to this service is here:

You will be among the first users of this service. At the moment, it is not available to all as it is a pilot. Times are also restricted - you will be able to access the service between:

  • Mondays 18:00 to 21:00
  • Tuesday - Thursdays 18:00 to 23:00

If you have used the service, you can take part in a research study led independently by King’s College London. You will be helping us to learn what you like about the online chat service, and what you think could be improved, so that we can ensure it better supports those who are serving or have served in the military. You can participate in two ways:

  • After using the service, you will find a short survey that will take around 5-10 mins to provide some information and your opinions of the online chat service
  • You can take part in a telephone conversation and will receive a £25 Amazon e-voucher as a thank you for your time.

Please contact the team at King’s for more information on:

Headline photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash