14th MARCH, 2019, LONDON

Evidence, Innovation and Practice

Organised by the King’s Centre for Military Health Research with support by the Forces in Mind Trust. Bringing together leading academics, researchers, medical professionals and charities to discuss the key issues in military mental health.

The King's Centre for Military Health Research is the leading civilian UK centre of excellence for military health research and independent of the UK Ministry of Defence, our work has help shape government policy towards military personnel with our research published in high impact journals such as the British Medical Journal and The Lancet.

The Centre is co-directed by Professor Simon Wessely and Professor Nicola Fear. The Centre draws on the experience of a multidisciplinary team with a wide range of research portfolios. The aim of the Centre is to produce relevant scientific research at the highest level. The Centre offers an MSc in War and Psychiatry.

Great Hall.
King's College London
P: (+44) 020 7848 5351
e: [email protected]



Prof Sir Simon Wessely


Tobias Ellwood MP


Prof Zahava Solomon


Dr Heidi Cramm


Jonathan Beale


Sue Freeth


Dr Jonathan Leach


Dr Charles Winstanley


Prof Jonathan Bisson

Laura Goodwin

Dr Laura Goodwin

Edgar Jones

Prof Edgar Jones

Daniel Phillips

Daniel Phillips

Anna Marcinkiewicz

Anna Marcinkiewicz

Beverly Bergman

Dr Beverly Bergman

Dominic Murphy

Dr Dominic Murphy

Neil Greenbergh

Prof Neil Greenberg


Ms. Kacie Kelly

Daniel Leightley

Dr Daniel Leightley

Agenda subject to change.

Registration & Refreshments

Session 1

Chaired by: Prof Sir Simon Wessely, King’s Centre for Military Health Research

Opening Remarks

Prof Sir Simon Wessely King’s Centre for Military Health Research

Opening address

Tobias Ellwood MP Minister for Defence People and Veterans

The longer-term mental health impacts of military service

Prof Zahava Solomon Tel Aviv University

Presentation Slides

Innovative Approaches to Empowering Veterans to Seek Care

Ms Kacie Kelly George W. Bush Institute

Presentation Slides

Serving in the emergency services after military service

Dr Heidi Cramm Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research

Working together to improve the mental health of the Armed Forces Community

Dr Charles Winstanley Contact

Presentation Slides

Lunch and Networking

Session 2

Chaired by: Sue Freeth, Combat Stress

100 Years and going strong

Sue Freeth Combat Stress

Presentation Slides

The media’s view of the mental health of veterans

Jonathan Beale BBC

What’s new and how can we do more – the NHS England perspective?

Dr Jonathan Leach NHS

Presentation Slides

Innovations in the treatment of PTSD in veterans

Prof Jonathan Bisson Cardiff University

InDEx - an app to manage alcohol misuse in veterans

Dr Daniel Leightley King's Centre for Military Health Research

Dr Laura Goodwin University of Liverpool

Presentation Slides

Afternoon tea

Session 3

Chaired by: Hans Pung, Forces in Mind Trust

The symptoms and beliefs of UK Veterans with long-term psychological wounds: what are the implications for practice today?

Prof Edgar Jones King's Centre for Military Health Research

The mental health needs of military personnel: A review of the research evidence and key stakeholder perspectives

Daniel Phillips NatCen

Anna Marcinkiewicz NatCen

The mental health of veterans in Scotland

Dr Beverly Bergman Glasgow University

Moral Injury in military veterans

Dr Dominic Murphy Combat Stress

Presentation Slides

The End of the Day

Prof Neil Greenberg Royal College of Psychiatrists Lead for Military and Veterans’ Health


We have now sold out. However, if you'd like to join our waiting list please contact us.



Here is a selection of posters presented at this years Veterans' Mental Health Conference.

Depression in Military Fathers: The association with family functioning and father-adolescent interaction by Alice Wickersham, Daniel Leightley, Melanie Chesnokov and Nicola T. Fear

Deployment-related Post-Traumatic Growth among UK Armed Forces personnel by Daniel Dyball, Sharon Stevelink, Nicola T. Fear, Neil Greenberg, Roberto Rona and Norman Jones

Factors that influence the success or failure of online self-help interventions (OSHIs) for UK military veterans and their families; a Realist Review by Clare Kidston, Maria O’Kane, Bethany Waterhouse-Bradley and Cherie Armour

How drop-in services provide preventative help for military-connected families with young children by Nicola McConnell, Elizabeth Thomas, Anna Bosher and Richard Cotmore

The Mediating role of Social Networks on the Development of Psychopathology among U.S. Military Veterans Following Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by M McLafferty, J Ross, B Waterhouse-Bradley and C Armour


Veterans' Mental Health Conference 2019 will once again be hosted in the Great Hall at King's College London. The Great Hall was built in 1829, and over the years has been a prominent location for high end balls and gala dinners.


Neil Greenberg

Neil Greenberg

Victoria Williamson

Victoria Williamson

Daniel Leightley

Daniel Leightley

Alison McKinlay

Alison McKinlay

David Grier

David Grier